The USA & Guns & Fairy Tales
16 December 2012 | Living
A weird relationship isn’t it? Underlined yet again by the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre in Connecticut. The USA gun illustration is on the wall at the front of the ex-US Embassy in Tehran, Iran.
I live part of the year in Australia (annual deaths by guns...
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Books on Pakistan & Israel
8 April 2012 | Media
Late last year I travelled around Israel and Palestine, later this year Pakistan is on my wish list. So these two books were interesting primers on those countries. Of course both books proved, yet again, that the more you learn about a subject the less you realise yo...
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Causes & Concerns
10 December 2005 | Living
Things I worry about from old growth forest destruction in the Australian state of Tasmania to what Amnesty International has rightly described as ‘a human rights scandal’ in, where else, Guantanamo Bay.
Marshalls Shoot & Kill Passenger
US Newspaper headline 8...
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