
Seoul & the K-dols

12 July 2023 | Places

Once I’d left Australia my first stop on my recent travels was Seoul in South Korea. I’ve been to South Korea several times over the years including the trip north to the DMZ between South and North Korea. I’ve also done the DMZ visit travelling south from Pyongyang i...

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Seoul Buildings – Architecture as Art

20 November 2011 | Culture

▲ Our Korea guidebook has a section on Architecture as Art in the Seoul chapter. Featuring the Kring Gumho Culture Complex ‘looking like a giant music speaker crossed with a slab of Swiss cheese.' (Unsangdong Architects) ▲ Just down the road is the I’Park Tower...

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São Paulo Architecture

20 April 2010 | Places

My Brazil visit concluded with five days in São Paulo, the biggest city in Brazil and with a population of around 20 million one of the biggest in the world. It was a working visit so I didn’t get much chance to look around, but I was surprised that it was a much easi...

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