Visual Arts – 2015
14 December 2015 | Media
Numerous things I’ve run into through the year:
◄ At the beginning of the year, the Melbourne Arts Centre’s ‘Homes’ project. They turned out thousands of little wooden ‘homes’ and people (lots of school kids) decorated them and distributed them all over. I rather l...
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Seoul Buildings – Architecture as Art
20 November 2011 | Culture
▲ Our Korea guidebook has a section on Architecture as Art in the Seoul chapter. Featuring the Kring Gumho Culture Complex ‘looking like a giant music speaker crossed with a slab of Swiss cheese.' (Unsangdong Architects)
▲ Just down the road is the I’Park Tower...
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Aircraft – The Jet as Art – Jeffrey Milstein
4 February 2008 | Media
It’s ‘aircraft porn’ a keen photographer and aviation enthusiast insisted, just like those glossy coffee table food books and celebrity chef tomes have been defined as food porn. Jeffrey Milstein set himself up with a large format camera directly below or beside the f...
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