The Wall – Israel & Palestine
21 December 2011 | Places
▲ The Wall at the Qalandia checkpoint between Ramallah and East Jerusalem
◄ Travelling around Palestine you certainly don’t get away from the Israeli settlements or The Wall – aka the Security Wall, the Separation Wall, the Segregation Wall or the Apartheid Wall...
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13 December 2011 | Places
▲ Sunset camels in the Jerusalem Wilderness above the Dead Sea
I’ve been travelling around Palestine and then on to Israel. First lesson, there’s nothing dangerous about Palestine. Terrorist talk has comprehensively scared tourists away and the Israelis don’t mak...
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Palestinian Walks
7 January 2009 | Media
Perfect (if depressing) timing that I should be reading Palestinian Walks just as Israel launches all out war on Gaza. Although can you call what’s going on a war? When one side is armed with everything the US arms merchants can churn out while the other depends on wh...
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