Egypt – Get Me Out of There!
1 February 2011 | The rest
The media is full of stories of Egyptian chaos and crowds camped out at Cairo Airport trying to get out of the country. Is there any other way out?
▲ January snow and my 9 year old daughter Tashi climbing Mt Sinai above St Katherine's Monastery.
On my first tr...
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27 December 2010 | Culture
In 2009 I caught four great rock concerts – Leonard Cohen and then Neil Young in Melbourne, Van Morrison at the Albert Hall in London, Al Stewart in Newcastle in northern England. Rock-wise nothing hit the same high in 2010, not even U2 on their 360º tour when it came...
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The Solar System (and other projects) 2008
27 December 2008 | Places
Jogging past the Sun, part of the Melbourne Solar System
Maureen and I sold a majority interest in Lonely Planet to BBC-Worldwide in late 2008, we’re still travelling a lot, we’re still working with Lonely Planet (I’ll be working on some new LP-TV documentaries i...
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