Take Me to Cuba
7 January 2013 | Transport
▲ This is Virgin Blue – the Australian offshoot – not the London-based Virgin Atlantic. I flew Virgin Blue down to Tasmania a few days ago
BootsnAll Travel alerted me to their new Indie website which, they claim, is the first one that lets you book Instant Pricin...
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to Hellholes and back
29 April 2010 | Media
I read to Hellholes and back, Chuck Thompson’s account of the ‘art of extreme tourism,’ principally because he goes to Congo and I read most things that come up about that country. Chuck decides not to follow Conrad’s miserable haul up the Congo River, but instead end...
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Fernando de Noronha
11 April 2010 | Places
▲ On the Cacimba do Padre beach with brown boobies perching on a rock
Sitting at a beach café, sipping a caipirinha, watching the sun set and trying not to be distracted by the girls on the beach in their fio dental, dental floss bikinis. Well someone’s got to d...
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Diverted Flights
22 February 2010 | Transport
Flights that get diverted and end up somewhere unintended are always a pain in the neck. I’ve had a few over the years including one last year – it was my very first flight on a double-decker Airbus A380 and Qantas managed to take me from Los Angeles to Sydney instead...
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