Joe Cocker
22 December 2014 | Culture
He died yesterday, left a lot of great records and great performances, but also provided Lonely Planet with its name. Almost.
◄ Mad Dogs & Englishmen, a great rock & roll band on the road movie, a great double album
It’s 1973, Maureen and I have just...
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1000 Ideas for a Vacation in France
1 June 2013 | Media
I'm off to France next week to help mark 20 years of Lonely Planet publishing in French. Recently I wrote the foreword to '1000 Idées de Vacances en France.' You can't get it in English, but here's my original - pre-translation - contribution.
It’s first trips ...
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An old Mini to Kabul, a new one to Istanbul
24 May 2013 | Living
▲ 1972 – our Mini in Eastern Turkey with Mt Ararat in the background, that’s where Noah landed the Ark
Back in 1972 Maureen and I drove a Mini we’d bought in London for £65 to Kabul in Afghanistan, sold it for a small profit and carried on all the way to Sydney...
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Time Flies at the Taj
17 January 2013 | Living
Maureen and I arrived at the Taj Mahal in Agra, India on our first wedding anniversary on 7 October 1972. We'd driven from London to Kabul in Afghanistan where we sold our car and were continuing east on a trip that would eventually end at Sydney in Australia. And lea...
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Russia Guidebooks
11 June 2012 | Media
On my recent visit to Moscow to help with the launch of the first Lonely Planet guidebooks in Russian I was intrigued by the interest in a Russian language version of Lonely Planet’s Russia guide. I’ve always said that our first Russia guidebook was the most difficult...
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