
How Many Countries?

20 May 2012 | Places

Every now and then I bump into somebody who’s busy trekking around the world putting a ‘been there’ tick beside a list of every country in the world. You can have arcane arguments about what ‘been there’ means – is the airport transit lounge good enough? But the start...

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Empire of the Clouds

5 January 2011 | Media

I picked this book up on a whim – and because I’m a geek when it comes to aircraft. Between the end of World War II and the late ‘60s Britain built a lot of interesting aircraft. Most of them with a remarkable lack of commercial success. James Hamilton-Paterson’s book...

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Films of 2008

26 December 2008 | Culture

I’m running through my travel lists for 2008, we started with 10 interesting hotels, moved on to music highlights and then the views out the window  from my favourite flights. Next it was cars & drives and then museums, galleries & exhibitions followed by phot...

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