Information & Misinformation
21 August 2011 | Living
At the Edinburgh Fringe Festival Dave Gorman’s Power Point Presentation looked at how ‘facts’ on the web can propagate. He may have been born a Christian and become an atheist, but when his Wikipedia entry described him as Jewish that ‘fact’ soon spread far and wide. ...
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Brazzaville Beach
25 July 2011 | Media
Having acquired two Brazzaville Beach stamps in my passport – one when I took the boat from Kinshasa to Kisangani, so I entered Congo Republic at Brazzaville Beach, the second when I left Congo Republic at the same point – it was obviously time I read William Boyd’s n...
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Congo Bicycles
24 July 2011 | Transport
I spent several weeks kicking around the two Congos with stops in Lubumbashi, Kinshasa, Kisangani and Goma in Congo DRC and a sidetrip to Brazzaville in Congo Republic. And then I went on to Rwanda to finish my trip. Along the way I also got a great view of Kilimanjar...
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Kisangani – at A Bend in the River
5 July 2011 | Places
I’ve been travelling the Congo, starting with a visit to Lubumbashi in Katanga Province. From there I went to the capital Kinshasa and made a sidetrip across the Congo River to Brazzaville the capital of the ‘other Congo,’ the Congo Republic. Then it was back to Kinsh...
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The other Congo – Brazzaville
3 July 2011 | Places
I’m travelling around the Congo – or rather around both Congos, the big ex-Belgian one (Democratic Republic of Congo) and the smaller ex-French one (Congo Republic, aka Congo Brazzaville). I started in Lubumbashi and continued to the capital Kinshasa. Next stop took m...
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