
Queenstown – departing & arriving

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

I made a quick trip from Australia to New Zealand to speak at a TEDx conference in Queenstown in early April. Unfortunately I didn’t have a chance to do anything apart from the conference – I’ve got some New Zealand walks which remain high on my must do list.

arriving Queenstown 542

▲ But arriving and departing were fabulous, one of those flights (inbound) which make you glad to be alive. Great views as we descended over the west coast and then down over the mountains and in to Queenstown.

departing Queenstown 542

▲ And equally good on the way out. A lap of the lake, up over the mountains, across the west coast and set course across the Tasman Sea for Australia.

Queenstown Airport 542

▲ A nice little airport as well, there’s a lot to be said for airports with aircraft flying around inside the terminal