
Looking at New York

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

I’ve just posted on the Kim Jong Il Looking at Things phenomena, so I’ll post some things I’ve looked at recently , starting with New York and continuing to Naples and Paris. Without me in the picture!

Naked Cowboy 271◄ Walking to the theatre one night on our recent visit who should step out into the centre of Times Square, but the Naked Cowboy. He’s a regular part of the Times Square scene, although presumably only when the weather is suitable.





Then I looked out from my hotel up Lexington Ave from East 57th St and as it started to get dark I could see row upon row upon row of computer terminals, like some vision of the world’s biggest call centre. In fact it was the lower floors of the huge Bloomberg Tower. ▼

Bloomberg 542

Botero Time Warner Center New York 271◄ Having just visited Colombia for my forthcoming book Dark Lands it was kind of reassuring to keep encountering those chubby statues by Colombia’s best known artist, Botero. This one is in the Time Warner Center on Colombus Circle









Reassuring also to note that Moscow and Paris aren’t the only subway/metro systems with station art. Here’s Alice in Wonderland and the rabbit on the platform of the 50th St Station on the 7th Avenue Line. Goodbye my Love was my favourite art encounter on my 2013 New York City visit. ▼

50th Ave subway 542