Assorted Observations
Friday, 25 May 2012
▲ The Gladiator of Guitar
We caught Elvis Costello performing at the Albert Hall on Wednesday night and in the penultimate encore who should stride on stage to join him but – as Costello put it – the gladiator of guitar, Russell Crowe. OK it’s hard to tell from this photo (taken from the circle, with my phone), but that’s him.
▲ Skateboard Art
In the Brooklyn Museum while we were in New York earlier this month.
◄ Rockefeller Centre
While Maureen was exercising her credit card on 5th Ave I dropped into the Rockefeller Centre – yet again. Is there any limit to how many times you can enjoy the Rockefeller Centre?
▲ A Tempted Bishop
And yet another New York Rockefeller project, the Cloisters, a collection of European medieval religious structures. I liked this painting of St Andrew saving a bishop who is about to fall for the temptations offered by a woman who in reality is the devil. Of course, who else but the devil would be tempting a bishop? Said besotted bishop is clearly blissfully unaware of the devilish wings the lady is sprouting.
▲ Where do they get these names?
Like the Cat & Mutton – back in London yesterday I noted this intriguingly named pub on Broadway Market, just south of London Field.